Friday, January 27, 2012

Contest to celebrate 1000 items sold on Etsy (YAY!)

I never thought that I would get to 1000 items sold on etsy when I started my shop in August of 2009.

Thanks to all my loyal customers and friends!

The contest is for the toy bag in the photo and YOUR CHOICE of a squirrel or bunny! This would make a sweet little easter gift!
To enter, just leave a comment here letting me know what your favourite item in my etsy shop is. You can view my shop by clicking on any item in the Etsy Mini on the right, or follow the link here:

The contest ends Feb.12th and I will choose a winner by random draw on that day!
Good Luck!
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  1. Congratulations on your success, Eve! Hard to pick a favorite. How about I'll go with the iconic fox today --

    Here's to 1,000 more!

  2. Yay for 1000! My favorite animal in your shop right now is the elephant. But the beaver, dolphin, and pony are close runners up!

  3. congrats!!! Love your creative items. I would have to think that right now the leaf babies are my favorite. Been trying for a baby for a while and they seem so calm & happy. Makes me smile. Keep up the good work.

  4. Congrats! My favorite item is your little fox, which I got for my son at Christmas! But they are all so adorable.

  5. Congratulations! 1000 sweet friends in many houses. My favorite item in your shop is your custom items. What a treasure to work with such an artist on finding just the right thing as a gift.
    Vanessa (

  6. So exciting!! :) Congratulations to you! I think all of your creations are just beautiful, but my favorites right now are the tree pillows. So sweet. :)

  7. I love your shop - it is hard to pick a favorite item. Today it is:
    but that could be cause I have toys strew across my living room.

  8. Go 1000 purchases! My favorite item right now is the fox. I think he would make great play mates with our other little friends from your shop!

  9. I love my squirrel and wish to win a bunny! Your things are the best!

  10. Congrats on 1000 online sales! You already know that our home happily houses two of your bunnies and one leaf baby too :) My favourite item in your shop right now is definitely the "Butterfly, Caterpillar, Cocoon and Leaf Play Sets"! Such an awesome design and too cute for words. I covet one!

  11. oh wow I'm not surprised really looking at your lovely shop. I love Waldorf Gnome, Forest Dweller its sooooo adorable. Congrats! *happy dance for you*

  12. I adore the bunny. All of your stuff if gorgeous.

  13. Hi Eve,

    Congratulations on reaching 1000 sales. I love your cute and cuddly little animals! It is hard to choose a favorite, but I think it would be the squirrel.

  14. Congratulations! I love all the little woodland creatures, I think the robin is my favorite right now, I'm just aching for spring!!

  15. Huge congratulations on reaching 1000 sales! Here's to another 1000 and 1000 more. :D I love all your beautiful creations. I know my 2 children will absolutely love and adore and spend hours playing on this beautiful play mat.

    Thank you for this contest and wishing you a wonderful 2012!

  16. Congrats, Eve, on reaching 1000 sales!!! How do I pick a fave from so many sweet items??? However, after scanning Etsy, I was most drawn to the moose, similar to the one Wolf gave his friend Sandy last year :) Hey, it won't let me post with my Wordpress, so it looks like this message is from Wolf, but it's me, Iris :)

  17. Hi Eve,
    I saw your work at the Guelph Community Singers concert and I just loved it! I have to say that my favorite pieces in your collection are the gnomes. They remind me of "nisser" from the old Danish fairy tales that my mom used to tell me about when I was a kid.
    Congrats on 1000!

  18. Congrats on 1000 sales - that is such a great accomplishment. As a mom who is constantly picking up I have to say that your tree floor basket would make the chore so much more enjoyable.

  19. I love your toys. How wonderful. I first saw them on a blog
    I really like the hollow logs and personally I think the chipmunks are neat. But I know my daughter's favourite is the squirrel. Congrats on your success :)

  20. i love this one:

    love love love!
    i love all of your products. in fact, i think i play with the log home more than my little one does. :)

  21. Anxiously awaiting the lovely log pillow which will be the highlight of my son's woodland themed room!
    Congrats on 1000 sales :)

  22. congrats to you!!! way to go.

    i love verything in your shop - especially the tree branch pillows & zen garden.

    thanks for this chance!!!

  23. I love all everything! Congrats on 1000 items! I especially love the dragon, and the racoon... and the elephant. I could keep going!

  24. I really like the wine bottle cozies!

  25. The contest winner was #11, Emily Leong!
    I use the random # generator at this site:
    Congrats Emily, I will contact you soon!
